Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 86

April 5, 2012

The rainy season has started! April 1st came, and it is like someone flipped a switch. Now we get a pretty good rain everyday in the afternoon. It is a nice excuse to sit in the hammock and read or take a nap. I have been told that once it starts raining, people stay in their houses and don’t do much of anything—good to know, since we have 8 months of rain coming.

Last weekend, I went into Torti to meet up with a friend who lives about an hour and a half down the road. There was a feria (like a county fair) in town for the weekend, so we met up to get in our share of fair food, bootleg CDs and English. After a month of talking in Spanish to people I don’t really know, it was so nice to have a conversation in a language I understand with a person I know well enough not to have to talk about the weather. We also found some pretty stylish hammocks, so I’m ready to move into my casa in two months!

Also, I have a puppy! I didn’t want to mention it before, and I still might be a little early in saying anything. I don’t want to get too attached too soon, in case he doesn’t make it, but it maybe too late for that. His name is Jay Pup, and he is pretty darn cute. I think he was born around the day that I swore in as a PCV, so he is about 3 weeks old. He has 5 brothers and sisters, who I am really trying to have nothing to do with—I don’t want to be the crazy Gringa with a pack of dogs following her everywhere. I’m pretty excited to get settled into my new house and have something to talk to in English. He won’t understand what I’m saying, but that seems to be the norm for me here in Panama.

It is Holy Week, which means that no one is working and the kids are off from school. So, I came with my host family to stay at the house of one of my host sisters. I’m not sure where we are. Someone mentioned that we were going to Panama City, but we are definitely not in the city. We are in one of the nicest houses that I have seen since being in Panama, indoor bathrooms, tiled floors, in ground pool, satellite TV! So, we’re going to spend the next couple of days in luxury. 

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