Friday, July 20, 2012

Day 192

July 20, 2012

The story behind the gross picture on Facebook. 

I woke up Sunday morning, after spending the night at a friend's site, with red marks on the backs of my legs. As the day progressed, so did the 'rash'. By Monday, the blisters appeared. I showed the 'rash' to some people in my community, who told me that there is a bug that likes the light that pees on you and burns your skin--they also told me that they have never seen anyone with it this bad. I called the medical office to tell them about my 'pee rash'. They told me to put some cream on it and take Benadryl. This did not help me out too much. 

It turns out, thanks Mom for the Internet research, that it is not a rash nor is it pee. There is a beetle, the Blister Beetle, that excretes acid that burns the skin of whatever it lands on. Well, it looks like I got to know this beetle very well. 

I have since been to the Medical Office. They also told me they have never seen anything like this, you know you have something good when you can freak out the campo folk and stump the PC Medical Office. I now am on antibiotics and have a follow up appointment. So all is well. 

Some more pictures, because I know that everyone is dying to see...

This is the burn that brought folk from all over Loma Bonita to the
Gringa's house just to have a look at what everyone is talking about. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 177

July 5, 2012

So, I heard the pictures from my last blog post didn't load properly. Sorry, I'll give it another go. Plus I got a couple more pictures from my new house!!!
We had a cultural event at the school in my town, and a bunch of schools in the area came to dance. I got to crown the queen, she wasn't too happy about all the attention.

King and Queen dancing

My bed room in my NEW HOUSE!!!!!! My clothes clothes are hanging on the line under the yellow tarp because I haven't quite kicked the bats out yet. 

My kitchen

My backyard

Snake skin I found in my room after a weekend away. Yikes! Still haven't seen the snake.

View from my front porch, not too bad!

Next door neighbor's house